Monday 22 July 2013

weekend wanders

Just over a month into my time in Addis and I'm definitely starting to feel settled. Time is no longer absorbed with house hunting and other logistical issues and I'm slowly getting the opportunity to explore this incredible city.

Friday started with a night of Ethiojazz at one Addis' oldest hotels (established in 1907 to be exact). Addis had a booming jazz scene in the 1960s but it disappeared under the oppressive Derg regime. Today, the jazz scene is slowly starting to rebuild itself and it was a great experience to sit amongst the mainly Ethiopian audience and listen to Ethiopia's unique take on jazz

Saturday was a visit to Mercato - reputably Africa's largest market. All visitors to Addis are warned against the dangers of Mercato and the high probability you will be pick-pocketed and/or have your bag snatched.So with my camera at home and small bits of money dispersed amongst different zippered pockets and under clothes I felt prepared. And then was pleasantly surprised at what a non-stressful experience it turned out to be. Maybe it was because our small group was being guided by four Ethiopian men, but compared to some of the markets I'd experienced in North Africa, the most threatening part of Mercato was trying to not get lost among the endless winding streets. I left with spinach, popcorn, curry spices and a mirror - a very successful shopping trip.

Saturday evening I had a chance to meet two other CIDA interns who have recently arrived in Addis. It turns out they live really close to our house and their office is even closer. Seeing as how we live a little outside the main expat neighbourhoods it's exciting to have some new friends be so close by. And of course our little meet up had to happen at the Oh Canada restaurant.

Sunday followed with what has now become my typical routine of a visit to the Japanese market (there is actually nothing Japanese about the market except for the fact that it's near the bole Japan road) to stock up on fresh produce for the week and a fresh squeezed juice. It's apparently strawberry season so this week it was strawberry, mango and pineapple - or 'espritz' (meaning mixed) as they call it in amharic (which is also coincidentally the first word I learned :) ). Delicious.

All in all, a pretty great weekend.

Photo Credit: Michelle Ferng

Photo Credit: Michelle Ferng

Photo Credit: Michelle Ferng

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